

Culture is universal.  It was once believed that culture was something that only the refined classes and foreigners had, but  that isn't true any more if it ever was.  Everyone has culture, even yogurt. Take for example, opera and WWE pro wrestling.  The similarity is obvious. For those who aren't sure what to wear when attending a WWE event or an opera, it is less important than it used to be, but still critical is choice of headgear,  and transportation; Art and artists are always vital to culture.  Unfortunately, for an artist to be recognized as great, it is necessary for to lead tortured lives and die in poverty, or at the very least, live the majority of their lives in obscurity, privation and rejection before they can be recognized as great.   Artists whose work enables them  to support themselves in comfort will pay the penalty of being dismissed as trivial after they are dead.  Famous Artists' self portraits. Match the painting to the artist. (  ) Never s